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The Shire Team

Sarah Matthews - Chairperson & Editor


My name is Sarah and I have lived in Shirehampton for 13 years and have been a Shire editor for just less than 10 years.  I enjoy working with local people who send in content and our publisher to produce the Shire every few months.  I fit in the editing around my day job and looking after my family. The committee is a lovely team of volunteers to work with, and the newspaper is a rewarding community resource to be a part of.

Jill Williamson - Vice - Chairperson & Editor

Hi Readers. My name is Jill and I joined the Shire team as a  volunteer editor about 10 years ago. I find it very enjoyable and rewarding and love seeing my finished paper in print.  I’ve lived in Shire for 50 years and enjoy being part of the team ensuring we continue to provide this valuable asset to the village.

Lucy Bradley - Vice - Chairperson,  Website Manager & Editor

My name is Lucy and I am very new to the Shire team, having only started volunteering in early 2022. I have been working on designing and developing a new website for the paper. I always enjoy reading the Shire when it is delivered through my door each month, so when I noticed that they were looking for volunteers I jumped at the chance to contribute towards such a great community asset.

Judy Helme - Secretary

My name is Judy Helme and I was invited to join the committee of 'Shire' by the then Chair, Jean Archer, around 18 years ago. I was very soon not only roped into editing but also became Secretary, as my predecessor wished to retire, and I was in those dual roles for many years.  I relinquished the editing about 5 years ago when a new electronic system was introduced and my then ageing computer and equally ageing brain couldn't cope!! I feel privileged to be part of this amazing local paper and hope to continue for many more years.  

Ed Amphlett - Treasurer

Hi my name is Ed Amphlett I have been volunteering for “Shire” since 2020 when I took over the advertising brief. I oversee advertising and finance for the moment. I have been involved with other organisations in Shire, on the Public Hall committee, and for many years putting together the annual Craft Exhibition with my wife and other volunteers. “Shire” has always been an important factor in all the work we have done around the village and it’s good to put back some of the support they offered us.

 Paul McMillan - Advertising Manager & Reporter

Bobbie Perkins - Distribution

I am Bobbie and I first volunteered as a Shire paper deliverer in the seventies, and soon made many new friends on the round. When Brian Blandford, our Chairman at the Cotswold Community Association sadly passed away, I offered to take his place at Shire committee meetings.
I immediately found myself on the Editors rota, courtesy of the then Chairwoman, Jean Archer. A thankfully short interval of copying and pasting was followed by becoming one of the paper’s counters, which was more up my street! (No pun intended!). I then took on the role of Delivery Co-ordination which I still very much enjoy.

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Iain Chaffey of Crimson Goose Design - Artwork

Hi, my name is Iain and I joined Shire as the designer for the paper in July 2019. Even though I do not live locally, I love working on the paper and seeing the events that are happening, so much so that I really get a strong sense of the community in Shirehampton.

Marilyn Gorry - Archivist and Social Events

My name is Marilyn, a Shirehampton girl. I can remember the excitement waiting for the first edition of 'Shire' 1972 and I can remember all members of the administrative committee.
I was transferred to Shirehampton Library from Sea Mills in 1987 and I volunteered to help Jean Archer with local History. I didn't officially join the team until 2008 first as an editor and then the Archivist and Local Events. My main role is to keep the 'Shire' copies safe in Shirehampton Library for future Binding, which is done every 5 years. 50 years of bound copies are on a shelf in the Library, do have a look , you might see some photos of yourself or members of family and friends.

Athletic Shoes

John Rohde - Sports Editor


Renee Slater - Editor

I’m Renee Slater. I joined Shire in 2008. My first issue featured the closure of Woolworth’s on the front page. I became Chairperson in 2014. The paper has changed enormously since then, moving to full colour and a more professional layout. We are so proud of the wide range of articles which you, our readers, contribute. That is what makes Shire a real community newspaper which it’s been a privilege and a joy to work on.

Vanessa Evans - Editor


I recently moved back to Shirehampton. It has been lovely to come back here as I feel this area has the best of both worlds - you feel you're in the countryside plus there are the good transport links to the city centre.  The place also has a good community spirit.

Having recently moved back to the area, I found the Shire a great local paper. It helped me to connect with the community and learn about what is going on in the area. I've found it such a useful source to find local tradespeople and also find out about the leisure and sporting facilities and action groups in the area.

It's been great to join the team and make me feel more connected with the area.

I hope that by helping out with the local paper I can do my bit for the community too!

Bob Pitchford - Photographer

Hi my name is Bob, I have lived in Shire for over 40yrs. My role in the Shire is as a Paper Deliverer and Photographer. As photographer I get out and about locally to provide the Editors with photos of local Functions, People and Places etc. The Editor of the month reviews the photos and selects the appropriate images prior to publication to ensure GDPR compliant.

Kathryn Courtney - Photographer & Reporter

My grandparents & family moved from Wales to Shirehampton around 1927 with great grandparents following and living in Avonmouth. Later generations continue to live in the area including myself and between us all have seen the many changes to Shirehampton. Some good, some bad.
I went to the local schools, worked in The Toy Shop - that has long since gone - on our very own High Street for three years. I eventually made my career in the media spending five years at BBC Radio. Research, editing, script writing and reporting were my main duties within broadcasting. I was also a Freelance Media 
I then became a full-time carer for my mum for a long time but kept my skills up together and volunteered for the Shire becoming a photographer and later reporter. I put together 'Poppies on The Green' in 2018 and Shirehampton Markets High Street Market was launched in 2019. This is under the SCAF umbrella where I am one part of a three people management team and continue to volunteer as well as being a SCAF Trustee.
I enjoy the photography and writing for the Shire Newspaper covering the High Street shops, community events and stories and continuing to stay in the loop of media guidelines.

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Sue Husher - Shire by Post

My name is Sue and I have been organising Shire by post for about 30 years now. It is my job to send papers to people who may have moved away from the area but are still interested in news from the Shirehampton Community.

We also have a fantastic team of many volunteers who work to sort and deliver the papers to your door every month. 

Many thanks to them all.

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Official Postal Address


Shire Publications

Shirehampton Library,

Shirehampton Public Hall,

Station Road ,



BS11 9TU.

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Unless otherwise stated, all material appearing in Shire is the copyright of Shire Publications. Please ensure photographs submitted with articles are cleared for use and permission sought especially when featuring individuals including children. The Shire cannot accept responsibility if photos are published in error where permission for use has not been sought. The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Shire. All information correct at time of going to press to the best of Shire's knowledge. While advertisements in this paper are accepted in good faith, readers are advised to make their own enquiries and assessment.

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