Shire is a community newspaper, and as such it is important to us that we receive articles from local residents about local issues and events. If there is something that you would like to share with the community, then please do send us your article!
We do ask that copy is kept to a length of 500 words. Images and photographs to accompany your article would be more than welcome!
Articles are free to publish, but Shire is a voluntarily run newspaper so if you are in a position to be able to make a small donation that would be greatly received.

You can submit articles to our editors in 3 ways.
Post: Shire Publications
Shirehampton Library,
Shirehampton Public Hall,
Station Road,
BS11 9TU.
By Hand: Paper copies can be handed into Shirehampton Library.
Editorial Policy
We welcome contributions for publication in Shire but reserve the right to edit any copy received.
Any material published is at the editor's discretion and may also be included on our website unless clearly stated otherwise.
All letters to the editor must include a name and address though, if requested, we will not print them.
Please Note:
To meet the deadline with our typesetters all written copy (whether email or paper) must be submitted by the 10th of the preceding month.